Date Published

August 5, 2021

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


This has been a question of mine recently that not many people have the answer for in my service. My question is; if we have given the pt any sort of medication or initiated an IV can the pt be offloaded to the waiting room or to a bed in the hallway? Thank you in advance!


If the hospital has accepted care of the patient, and all elements of the Transfer of Care Standard (BLS PCS) are satisfied, then you may transfer care of the patient to the receiving facility. Once transfer of care is complete (including pertinent management performed and responses to management), the receiving facility may place the patient where they are safely able.  If there is concern for patient safety, please make sure to relay this to the receiving facility. Some EDs and paramedic services have established specific criteria as to who may be off-loaded to the wait room or off-loaded to a stretcher, so we advise you to refer to this criteria as to who can be offloaded.



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