Date Published
April 17, 2013
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Question: When a patient presents with Subcutaneous Emphysema? Can we give A.S.A.? Patient has taken it before and there are no other contraindications. SubQ is sometimes caused by perforations in the digestive and/or respiratory system, so I'm thinking ASA would be contraindicated - just looking for your thoughts or if there is a precaution.
Interesting question. We are not entirely sure why you would want to administer ASA to a patient with subcutaneous emphysema. You are correct, significant trauma to the pulmonary or GI system could be the underlying etiology.
ASA administration is outlined as part of the Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive for patient with suspected cardiac ischemia and it use is restricted to that clinical scenario.
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