Date Published
December 14, 2023
Updated For
ALS PCS Version 5.2
Step 1: Indication
- Symptomatic Tachydysrhythmias
Step 2: Conditions to Treat SVT
- Age: >= 18 years
- LOA: Unaltered
- HR: >= 150 bpm
- SBP: Normotension
- Other: Narrow Complex and Regular Rhythm
Step 3: Identifying SVT
- HR: >= 150 bpm
- P Waves: Missing/Non-Discernable
- QRS Complex: Narrow Complex (<120 msec)
- Rhythm: Regular
Step 4: Contraindications
- Sinus Tach
- A-Fib
- A-Flutter
Step 5: Modified Valsalva
- Place the Pt. semi-recumbent
- Instruct Pt. to exhale forcefully (strain) into a 10ml syringe for 15 secs.
- Followed by passive leg raising into a supine position at 45 degrees for 15 secs.
- 2 attempts per patient
Step 6: ACPs Management
- Consider Adenosine
- MPP for consideration of Synchronized Cardioversion
- SBP: Hypotension
- Other: Altered LOA, ongoing chest pain, other signs of shock
Additional Resources:
No additional resources available for this #SWORBHPTip.