• In regards to Dex administration being contraindicated for patients currently on parenteral or PO steroids, can we get some more clarification on what we are referring to specifically – is it basically all steroids? Most patients with COPD tend to be on steroid puffers which presumably would make those patients not able to receive dexamethasone?

    Published On: October 12, 2023
  • The vial of dexamethasone does not say that it can be given orally. Is it safe to give this route?

    Published On: March 13, 2023
  • Pt with Hx of URTI and a Dx of Asthma. With all signs of croup (Barking cough, low grade fever, severe respiratory distress) on auscultation you hear stridor and whizzing in lungs. Which treatment should be prioritized? Salbutamol vs Epi (NEB)? Thank you

    Published On: June 20, 2022
  • Question: A patient meets the Croup Medical Directive but has a fever, do you give Epi via nebulizer or not? I thought in the past this was dealt with but I am not able to source this through the Ask MAC website.

    Published On: October 23, 2015
  • Question: Multi-part question on croup. I’ve heard that croup is becoming more prevalent in older children (8 years & up). What is the incidence of croup in older children, and how would their treatment differ in the ER from the < 8 year old group?

    Published On: December 20, 2013