• Question: Pushing a dose epinephrine seems to be very popular in the FOAM world for emergency physician. Its use has been promoted for things such as post cardiac arrest, refractory anaphylaxis, and severe bradycardia (some strong pharmacology reasons supporting it over atropine have been presented). Is this something you see being added to the advanced care paramedic treatment options at some point?

    Published On: April 13, 2017
  • Question: I was looking at the PCP Medical Cardiac Arrest Medical Directive. I understand that we can give IM epinephrine in the setting of an anaphylaxis induced VSA. In the event of a ROSC from this type of VSA can Benadryl be administered IM/IV? Is there any benefit to doing this?

    Published On: November 4, 2013
  • Question: I have a few questions about some of the omissions from these protocols that were in the old protocols. The first one is in the event chest pain resolves and re-occurs it is treated as a new episode and nitro protocol repeated. This isn’t stated in the new protocol so if this were to occur can we repeat although it isn’t stated? The other question is regarding the medical arrest protocol. No provision is made in regards to on scene ROSC and re-arresting patient in ambulance. The old protocol says we can pull over and analyze once then continue to receiving facility. With nothing in the new protocol do we follow the same format? Thank you.

    Published On: March 28, 2012
  • Question: On our ROSC protocol, the ONLY route that we are allowed to give a fluid bolus/dopamine is via an IV. Please confirm that we are NOT allowed to do so via IO or CVAD? This does vary from the IV and Fluid Therapy protocol which allows us to do so.

    Published On: February 15, 2012
  • Question: ROSC Protocol states bolus 10ml/kg if under 12 check at 100ml and over 12 check at 250. Cardiogenic Shock Protocol (includes ROSC) -states bolus 10ml/kg -if 2 to 18 check at 100ml and over 18 check at 250ml. One states the 12 to 18 range at 250ml but the other 2 to 18 at 100ml. Can you clear this up for me please?

    Published On: January 31, 2012
  • Question: I see that it says consider NaCl bolus in the cardiac arrest standing order. In the past we gave a bolus for PEA as well as Rosc’s. Can you confirm the exact circumstances we are to give the bolus as I find there to be a lot of gray areas in our orders.

    Published On: January 31, 2012