• Why isn’t there a “febrile medical directive” to give Tylenol? having something like this especially around flu season would enhance patient care.

    Published On: March 28, 2019
  • Are we allowed to give acetaminophen and ibuprofen to someone who has a headache under the pain directive? I had 2 different patients not too long ago and both were complaining of a headache. One patient just ended up having just a headache while the other patient whom had a headache over several days with no facial droop, slurred speech, equal pupils and equal bilateral grip strengths turned out to be a bleed. Would it be ok to just give acetaminophen to our patients complaining of a headache and hold off on the ibuprofen? Headache is not a contraindication for the pain directive so this is why I am asking.

    Published On: March 28, 2019
  • Can I only give Fentanyl if my patient doesnt qualify for Morphine?

    Published On: March 28, 2019