Date Published

November 22, 2012

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: On a recent call, we transported a patient from a nursing home with a valid MOHLTC DNR. In the middle of all the paperwork was a nursing home DNR with level 1, level 2, and there was a check mark that the patient did not want to decide on a DNR status at this time. The MOHLTC DNR was dated in 2009 and the nursing home DNR was dated 2010. Do we respect the valid MOHLTC DNR or the nursing home DNR dated later?


 Interesting dilemma. Unfortunately, it sounds like the nursing home failed to provide clear documentation as to the advanced directives/end of life care plan for this patient. When confronted with discrepant documentation, our suggestion would be to follow the latest document as this most likely reflects the most recent wishes of the patient. Thanks for the question!



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