Date Published

November 3, 2021

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Slide in conclusion portion of the course, states capnography waveform is gold standard for ETT/SGA tube placement. Previous slide during course states that this has no been studied on other airway except ETT. Can you please clarify this ambiguity.


The OBHG Companion Document states, Confirmation of SGA insertion requires ETCO2 waveform capnography. It is the most reliable method to monitor placement of an advanced airway and refers to the 2015 AHA guidelines which state, The use of CO2-detecting devices to determine the correct placement of other advanced airways (eg, Combitube, laryngeal mask airway) has not been studied, but, as with an ETT, effective ventilation should produce a capnography waveform during CPR and after ROSC.



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