Date Published

November 22, 2013

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: I've heard the discussion among crews about allowing certain procedures to be performed on patients while still on EMS stretchers and on delay. I've received conflicting responses. I am perfectly fine with 12 lead, blood samples and going to x-ray while patient is with EMS. I'm not comfortable with any medications being given outside my scope of practice while under my care. Some crews say no "hospital" procedures are to be done until the patient is accepted by the ER. My personal opinion is that is possibly delaying patient care and causing more back up delays in the ER. I've received different opinions by our management. I know MAC cannot answer to service direction but what is the direction of MAC to what can or should be allowed to be performed by ER staff while under EMS care.


 Great question. As the Base Hospital, we completely agree that while patients are under your care they should not have medications administered by ED staff that fall outside your scope of practice.

This exact topic is an active issue being discussed with senior leadership from hospitals, LHIN, EMS services and the MOHLTC. At this time, check with your EMS service as to the latest recommended practice.



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