Date Published

August 22, 2013

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: Would SWORBHP ever consider putting a system in place for medics to learn the in hospital diagnosis of patients they transported. There are times when we transport patients and never learn what was causing them to present as they did. I think it would be beneficial to learn what the cause of the patient's condition in those instances for our own improvement and growth. I understand it would be unreasonable to do this for every patient but it would not be difficult to set up a flagging system to tag specific interesting calls. A system similar to the follow up after a ROSC may be a model to base it on.


 Excellent question. You are not alone in your interest for patient follow up. The bottom line is that the Base Hospital is unable to implement a system such as you describe: we wish we could!

Not only are paramedics not privy to this type of information which could be valuable on a number of levels (research, education, closure for the provider following traumatic cases), but many other health care practitioners are unable to access this information (nurses, emergency physicians) due to privacy legislation.

Unless you are actively involved the "circle of care" and access to patient information is necessary at that moment in time in order to directly influence the management of that patient, we are prevented from accessing patient information.



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