Date Published

June 17, 2013

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: I have been hearing a lot lately of BHPs telling PCP crews to give a drug (such as Epi) on a VSA when they call for a TOR. Even after reiterating that they were a PCP/BLS crew there still seemed to be some confusion. In some cases complicating the situation to the point where the misunderstanding seemed to lead to an order to transport as opposed to granting a TOR. Is there a better way to disseminate the differences to the doctors who may be taking the TOR or BHP patch (such as a card distributed to the doctors or a chart posted at the patch phones outlining what PCP crews can do vs. ACP crews)? I am sure it is as frustrating for the doctor taking the patch as it is for the crew trying to explain why they can't do what is being asked. Maybe something like this could help ease the whole process?


 Great question. You are absolutely right, there have been occasions where the BHP have asked paramedic crews to administer medications or perform procedures that are beyond their scope of practice. The Medical Council of the Southwest BH has worked very hard to communicate with the BHP the various Medical Directives that form your practice. It is clear we still have work to do.

We do have copies of the Medical Directives at the patch phone, on our website, we continue to meet and communicate with the BHP as to updates and changes to the scope of practice.

If you have a specific patch or concern where this arises in the future, please let us know. We would be more than willing to follow up with the specific BHP.



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