Date Published

May 29, 2020

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Hello, I was wondering if SWORBHP can offer out some assistance in obtaining CMEs for this year. Since there are no conferences to attend to, the hosting/posting of webinars doesnt seem to happen anymore and online courses are fairly expensive. Could you link in some approved resources that we could utilize? I would love to see SWORB return to posting webinars more frequently.


Thank you for the question.  The following are some suggestions for CME resources:

  • Ontario Telemedicine Network (0.5 CME points/ rounds attended) Please see the TOTW (here) highlighting this CME resource and detailing how to receive CME
  • Journal Study (0.5 CME points/peer-reviewed publication)
  • Podcasts (0.5 CM points/podcast), including the SWORBHP podcast series (here)

We are aware of the restricted ability to attend conferences and attain CME via the normal channels, during this pandemic.  For this reason, the SWORBHP Medical Council has decided, for this year (2020), to lift the maximum number of hours awarded per category of CME.  For example, previously a maximum of 3 hours of CME/year would be granted for Journal Study.  The reason for this cap was to promote a well-rounded continuing education.  Given the current circumstances, we would like you to attain your 12 additional hours of CME (on top of the 12 granted for Mandatory CME) in any fashion that helps forward your practice at the level of an Advanced Care Paramedic.

Our CME policy is derived to give you the freedom to choose what will help further your practice.  There is an incredible bevy of online content (many free/open-access).  We recognize many of you are completing CME that is not on the pre-approved list on the submission site.  We want to award any education you are completing.  If not on the pre-approved list, submissions will simply be reviewed and awarded on a case-by-case basis.

Regarding SWORBHP webinars, we are glad you find them valuable and will work at churning out new content for you.  Our latest podcasts contain content that would have previously been presented in webinar format, so please check them out if you havent done so already.  Please reach out and let us know if there are particular topics you would like to hear about.



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