Date Published

April 3, 2020

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: Where do I find a COVID19 + resource through SWORBHP OR MOH of a chart...of when a pt with potential Positive (as mine was) should be suggested to stay home for no service or be transported due to risk factors. I am specifically looking for vital parameters, comorbity inclusion/exclusions...?. the only current available is verbally on the WHO.


You cannot find a resource from SWORBHP or the MOH because there is no Treat-and-Release option for these patients and you should not suggest that these patients stay home. Concerning features, should they refuse transport after assessment would be: 1. Abnormal vital signs, especially low Sp02 or respiratory distress (including tachypnea) which would require oxygen administration. 2. Inability to walk within their own home due to respiratory distress 3. Older age, co-morbidities conditions age > 65, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, 4. cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, chronic pulmomary disease, chronic renal disease, 5. Immunosuppression or disease that leave in an immunocompromised state such as active cancer, organ transplant, HIV/AIDS. 6. The need for a chest xray to help assess degree of lung involvement and potential for quick deterioration 7. Concern for failure of the Aid to Capacity Assessment

This is an extremely difficult disease as we know very little about it. There are numerous COVID + patients that remain a disposition challenge for ED physicians that have many different diagnostic tests available to them They also have the ability to observe patients over a period of time to determine likelihood of deterioration.



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