Date Published

March 24, 2020

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


What is a hydrophobic submicron filter? What does it do and does it have other names? FYI - Equipment standard has it listed on page 57


Hydrophobic submicron filters are part of the minimum required equipment required to be carried in Ontario ambulances, per the Provincial Equipment Standards for Ontario Ambulances v3.4 €‹(Provincial Equipment Standards for Ontario Ambulance Services).

It is described within the Standards.  But, to summarize are single-use, disposable filters that have a viral and bacterial filtration efficiency of at least 99.9%. They can be referred to as "HME filters" which stands for Heat and Moisture Exchange filters or HEPA filters which stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air filters. However, there are specific HME filters that are designed to filter for bacteria and viruses in addition to their heat and moisture exchange properties.

FLO2MAX Filtered Oxygen Mask is a type of oxygen mask on the market that contains a hydrophobic submicron filter as well as a closed mask design, to minimize risk of contamination to the provider.



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