Date Published
November 22, 2012
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Question: When it comes to chemical sedation for combative or procedural reasons I noticed that the IN route is not included. I have read the rational for this in a previous question asked of MAC (Jan 19 2012). In this question it is mentioned SWORBH was suggesting the IN route be added during my re-cert I forgot to ask if that had taken effect. Is IN acceptable in these circumstances?
 Thanks for the reminder. This issue was reviewed with the Ontario Base Hospital Medical Advisory Committee very recently. The outcome of this discussion is that the IN route is an acceptable route of administration and as such, paramedics should consider this route when required.
Written edits to the current Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (your medical directives) at the request of the Ministry of Health are to be limited to critical changes for the coming years thus this specific point was assigned to medical director discretion. As such, the SWORBHP Medical Council supports the IN route of administration for this medication as outlined in this medical directive.
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