Date Published
March 1, 2012
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Question: When is the "new" treatment algorithm ALS/BLS for Medical Cardiac Arrest being posted?
 We are not entirely sure to what you are referring. If you mean the latest Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (ALS-PCS), you should have received a copy of the draft standards at your latest recertification day, and copies of the approved directives dated November 2011 have been sent to every service for distribution to their staff.
The on-line versions are posted to our website here:
If you are referring to the "booklets", they are being sent to the printers as we speak and should be released very soon. We have received a lot of feedback from paramedics within the region of how these new booklets should appear and we hope you are going to like them! We are quite excited by them ourselves and a lot of work has gone into their development.
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