Date Published
January 2, 2012
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Question: Dr. Bradford still ok with us not having to patch for naloxone?
 On page 2-45 of the Medical Directives, the use of Naloxone is a Mandatory Provincial Patch Point. This has come from cases where paramedics came to harm while alone in the back of the ambulance from a violent patient in acute withdrawal post Naloxone administration. On balance in subsequent call reviews, it was felt by the Medical Directors that these patients could have been supported with conservative management en-route to the hospital where greater security and staff are present. The Provincial MAC did not want the liability of making the decision to withhold Naloxone and balance the risk vs the transport time and patient's vital signs to rest on the shoulders of the individual paramedic in the back of the ambulance. As such, a Mandatory Patch to BHP to discuss the risks and benefits was instituted. While individual RBH programs can add patch points, they are unable to remove Mandatory Provincial Patch Points at a local level.
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