Date Published

March 28, 2019

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


When are PCPs going to get some strong pain medications?


For an answer on the generation of Medical Directives, please see the Ask MAC from Oct 23, 2015. Essentially many factors are taken into consideration when developing Medical Directives, such as (and in the case of the analgesia directive): Federal legislation that prohibits PCPs in Ontario from handling and administering controlled substances, evidence based medicine, benefits of the directive versus risk and costs to paramedic services. A study within Ontario is currently being developed regarding the prehospital use of methoxyflurane. The results of this study may help guide the decision on the value of this potential analgesic agent. At this time, there are no upcoming changes with regards to new analgesia agents for the PCP scope.



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