Date Published

February 4, 2021

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


During the pandemic, we have been advised to tape over the suction port on King LTs, and now we are switching to iGels, which also have suction capabilities. Are we to tape over the suction port of iGels as well? Furthermore, if the patient is in need of suction, what are the next steps recommended to safely maintain the airway, as only oral suctioning is recommended? Thank you


Thank you for the astute question. Yes, we would advise you to tape over the suction port of the iGel as well, to minimize risk of spread of potential COVID-19 exposure.

The purpose of this channel is for gastric decompression. At this time, there is no delegation for the insertion of the OG tubes, however there is ongoing discussion about this at the provincial level.

Therefore, if the patient is in need of suction, oral suctioning only is recommended.




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