Date Published
May 5, 2020
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
When dealing with a patient who is VSA due to a complete foreign body airway obstruction, what is recommended in regards to ventilations and OPA use (during this COIVD-19 pandemic) since inability to clear the airway is a contraindication of SGA use.
The contraindications for SGA remain, including that of inability to clear the airway. However, the latest OBHG Considerations for Paramedics Managing Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic recommendations (here) state CONSIDER withholding manual ventilation in any spontaneously breathing patient. If your patient has a complete foreign body airway obstruction they would not be able to spontaneously breathe and therefore you can provide manual ventilation if there is a contraindication to SGA insertion.
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