Date Published
April 21, 2020
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Questions regarding intubation. Should we be opting for aggressive airway management with intubation or SGA on VSA patients as well as severely obtunded non-asthmatic patients where patient presentation would allow? Should this take precedence over ACLS drugs during cardiac arrest? When intubated with inline filter in place are we permitted to BVM an normal rate?
The most recent OBHG Recommendations (here) suggest SGA (or ETT as 2nd line) only during cardiac arrest. Your ACLS algorithm otherwise should not change, with emphasis on early chest compressions and defibrillation, as required.  Remember to consider withholding chest compressions during insertion of the advanced airway.
When intubated with an inline filter, normal ventilation rates can be used.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, ETT, SGA
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