Date Published

January 19, 2012

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: On page 2-29 it says "A single dose of atropine should be considered for second degree type II or third degree AV blocks with fluid bolus. Does that mean fluid bolus for both or just third degree?


 A single dose of atropine should be considered for second degree Type II or third degree AV blocks with fluid bolus while preparing for TCP OR if there is a delay in implementing TCP OR if TCP is unsuccessful. Our intent is that a fluid bolus can be administered for both second degree Type II or third degree as described above. This came from a review of multiple cases over years of this clinical situation by one of the Regional Base Hospitals and they showed that the vast majority of these patients responded to this combination during the pre hospital phase. This is unpublished quality assurance data



Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Protocols (Protocol) Medical Directives (Medical Directive)

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