Date Published
January 9, 2024
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
If a patient is VSA due to a trauma related mechanism, do you still trauma bypass to a LTH (lead trauma hospital).Â
If a patient has arrested due to a trauma and does not meet (or is not granted) Trauma TOR, they should be transported to the closest ED. The exception to this is for patients who have penetrating trauma to the torso or head/neck and land transport to the Lead Trauma Hospital (LTH)/regional designated equivalent is estimated to be less than 30 minutes. These patients should be transported to the LTH or regional designated equivalent. Please note, for this particular population, SWORBHP Medical Council endorses transporting to closest hospital if you are unable to manage resuscitation basics, such as bagging. If this occurs, please document this rationale on your ACRÂ Â
Please refer to the BLS PCS Field Trauma Triage Standard for full details. Â
Field Trauma Triage Standard, FTTS, Lead Trauma Hospital, LTH, Transport, Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, VSA
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