Date Published

September 3, 2024

Updated For

ALS PCS Version 5.2


Torsades de Pointes

Torsades de Pointes = a form of polymorphic VT that is caused by the R-on-T phenomenon in the setting of prolonged QT

  • Produces a characteristic morphology of waxing and waning QRS complexes
    • Hence the names "Twisting of the points"

R-on-T Phenomenon

The QT interval represents the onset of ventricular depolarization to the end of repolarization

  • This includes the relative refractory period, wherein the threshold for impulse conduction is lowered 
  • If QT is  increased, so is this relative refractory period
  • A stimulus provided at this point (R-wave) can induce dangerous ventricular arrhythmias such as VT, VF and Torsades De Pointes

Causes of R-on-T

What can cause this phenomenon?

1) QT prolongation (most commonly!)

  • May occur due to:
    • Inherited conditions
    • Medication toxicity/overdose
    • Electrolyte imbalances and other metabolic causes

2) Ectopic electrical impulse

  • Non-synchronized cardioversion
  • Blunt trauma to the chest (commotio cordis)

Sound Familiar?

We discussed Long QT in the setting of the introduction of Ondansetron for ALS-PCS v5.0/5.1

  • Ondansetron is a medication that can prolong the QT 
    • In general, a single dose administered by paramedics will not be an issue
    • BUT, can trigger R-on-T phenomenon in those with known QT syndrome
      • This is why Ondansetron is contraindicated in patients with known "Prolonged Long QT Syndrome"

Treatment of Torsades de Pointes

  • Basics of arrythmia management: C, A, B
    •  Check for a pulse – may not have one in sustained Torsades
      • If no pulse: Treat per the Cardiac Medical Arrest Medical Directive
      • If pulse present: Supportive management and prepare for arrest
        • ACPs: Can consider synchronized cardioversion​​
    •  Support A and B throughout
  • In-hospital the cause of the Torsades will be sought, and treated, along with the supportive care


  • Torsades de Pointes is a special form of polymorphic V-Tach, caused by the R-on-T phenomenon
  • There is inherent safety written into the Nausea/Vomiting Medical Directive to reduce the risk of causing this condition with Ondansetron administration
  • Paramedics should be able to recognize and treat this arrhythmia using basic resuscitation principles


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