Date Published
February 11, 2020
Updated For
ALS PCS Version 5.2

1. This will help determine if STEMI is present, which may change your destination, based upon your local destination protocols. (See also: TOTW Early 12 Lead EKGs are Critically Important).
2. A STEMI-positive 12-lead ECG would change the total number of nitroglycerin sprays administered (Max. 3 vs Max. 6 in suspected cardiac ischemia, non-STEMI).
3. If the 12-lead ECG identifies an Inferior STEMI, a 15-lead ECG (or modified 12-lead) is to be performed to rule in or out right ventricular infarct (specifically examining lead V4R). These patients are often preload-dependent and administration of nitroglycerin may cause significant hypotension. Therefore, administration of nitroglycerin is contraindicated in a patient with a 12-lead ECG compatible with Right Ventricular MI (ST elevation 1mm in V4R).
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