Date Published

September 3, 2024

Updated For

ALS PCS Version 5.2


Types of Ventricular Tachycardia

VT is categorized in several different ways: 

  1. Cardiac Function
  2. Morphology
  3. Duration

Let's review each one. 

Types of VT: Cardiac Function

Cardiac Function in VT is categorized by the presence or absence of a PULSE:

  1. VT with pulse 
  2. Pulseless VT (pVT)

Types of VT: Morphology 

  • Morphology in VT is categorized by QRS complexes:

1)  Monomorphic VT = All QRS complexes have the same morphology

   --Can be further stratified into different types based on their morphology (ex. LBBB appearance)

2) Polymorphic VT = QRS complexes have different morphologies

*Note that either type may or may not have an associated pulse

Types of VT: Duration

Duration in VT is categorized by the following:

  1. Non-sustained VT = Lasts <30 seconds and does not cause hemodynamic compromise
  2. Sustained VT = Lasts > 30 seconds or causes hemodynamic compromise within 30 seconds

For example:

A pulseless patient whom you have been in contact with for >30 seconds in monomorphic VT at a rate of ~220 would be described as:

"Sustained monomorphic pulseless VT at a rate of 220"


  • VT can be described by
    • Presence or absence of pulse
    • Morphology: Mono- or polymorphic
    • Duration: Sustained >30 seconds or non-sustained <30 seconds

To Review: 

  • Ventricular Tachycardia is a pathologic condition wherein the ventricle produces a fast, often poorly functional rhythm. 
  • It may or may not generate sufficient cardiac output to generate a pulse


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