Date Published

August 20, 2024

Updated For

ALS PCS Version 5.2


In The Field

Can PARAMEDICS take orders from medical professionals on scene (e.g., facility physicians or nurses, off-duty nurses or doctors, midwives, poison control)? NO

Back Of The Ambulance

Can PARAMEDICS request OR take orders while transporting patients from the escorts (flight crews, doctors, nurses, PALS Teams)? ​NO

Work collaboratively with the health care provider while staying within the boundaries of the ALS PCS. 

*For full details of interfacility transfer expectations, see the SWORBHP "Medical Directives" Policy

Enroute To PCI Centre 

Can PARAMEDICS request OR take orders from a Cardiologist outside the ALS PCS Directives? ​NO

The Interventional Cardiologist may only direct whether the patient can be transported to the cath lab.

Offload Delay

While on offload delay in hospital (Transfer of Care [TOC] has not yet occurred), can PARAMEDICS request OR take orders from ER Physicians and Nursing Staff? NO

 Should the patient require care outside the paramedic's scope of practice, consider engaging the triagenurse or your supervisor to facilitate a TOC. 

The Expectation

Remember, medical direction (orders) can only come from a certified Base Hospital Physician.​

Complete a patch to the Base Hospital Physician for safe and appropriate advice while providing care within your scope of practice.


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