Date Published
April 9, 2013
Updated For
ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2
Question: If a hypothermic patient re-arrests is it considered a new protocol or just continue transport? Due to the 1 shock protocol.
 Great question. The role of re-arrests in general has been answered previously on this site. How paramedics should treat a "re-arrest" with a patient who has achieved ROSC on scene and now during the transport phase has re-arrested is not explicitly defined by the current set of directives. This has been addressed with the other BH in Ontario and is on the list of suggested edits.
Until such time as a new uniform approach is adopted by the Ontario MAC (not just the SWORBHP), the SWORBHP Medical Council has decided that paramedics should return to the previous practice which has been: Follow appropriate scene protocol for specific cardiac arrest situation. ROSC? Transport. Re-arrest? Pull over and one analysis then transport with no further stops regardless of shock or no shock. This avoids the endless possible permutations of shocking repeatedly a patient en route to the hospital and also the multiple pull overs that were an issue in the past.
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