• Question: There was a question posted on Sep 23, 2014 in regards to a fluid bolus on a transfer between facilities. As I agree that there should have been an RN escort for this patient, the paramedic was certified in IV fluid therapy including boluses. Your answer has me perplexed however. If a physician gave the paramedic a fluid bolus order how would that differ from getting a similar order from a BHP through phone patch. It is in the scope of practice for the paramedic to administer NaCl 0.9% as a bolus, the volume was prescribed by the physician(s) in charge of this patient’s care. Would any paramedic be wrong in following the order given by the physician?

    Published On: December 3, 2014
  • Question: A hospital wants to send a hip fracture patient for transfer. They claim blood pressure is normally high 80’s and doesn’t require an escort. Should they not still be sending one?

    Published On: March 3, 2014
  • Question: If an IV certified paramedic with a non-IV certified partner initiates a saline lock but does not give fluid or medication; can the partner without IV certification attend the call?

    Published On: February 5, 2014
  • Question: I just have a quick question regarding IV Monitoring. Are PCP’s allowed to transport a patient without an escort who has an IV running lactated ringers? This question came up the other day at work and everyone seems to have a different answer. I just wanted to clear this up with you so I know the correct answer!

    Published On: September 4, 2012