• When we have a patient who is sob and we have decided to put CPAP on, what code and ctas is mandatory even though they are stabilized because of cpap? Is it code 4 ctas 1 always? And are we suppose to pre alert for an RT?

    Published On: May 21, 2020
  • Question: There is some confusion about patients that have a valid DNR, and are very sick requiring transport. It makes sense that many of the ACP skills might not be utilized on these patients, and CPAP would be a PCP skill. There are cases where the family changes their mind on a DNR, and cases where the status is not clear. There are also other cases where a patient may be a trauma and have a valid DNR where they may need a needle decompression, but not necessarily cardiac arrest needing CPR or intubation. Is it OK for ACPs not to attend valid DNR patients?

    Published On: November 5, 2014
  • Question: My question is regarding CTAS with symptoms relief administration. It was my understanding that years ago symptom relief pocket books had an adverb that read something to the effect of ” If a symptom relief medication is administered then you should return to the ED no less than CTAS 2″. It seems to me there are circumstances that would allow symptom relief to be administered and return CTAS 3 or less. (i.e. Nausea due to flu gravol administered, mild to moderate allergic reactions with benadryl administered…) I had a debate with a peer stating it was their belief that any time SR is administered we are still to return code 4 CTAS 2. I was under the impression as thinking medics we could use some discretion, is this the case or should we always return minimum CTAS 2 in that scenario.

    Published On: December 3, 2012
  • Question: When a hospital is on “consideration” and we are not accepted by this particular hospital due to their CTAS score or related clinical condition and they are to deteriorate while en-route to the next receiving hospital. What liability do we as paramedics wear in these situations?

    Published On: April 24, 2012
  • Question: I was on a call recently where I was instructed that all patients from a scene, where there has been a fatality, are CTAS 2. I had never heard of this so I asked our Quality Assurance and they said that all patients from the vehicle which had the fatality in it are CTAS 2. They also told me that Victoria Hospital (LHSC) is thinking about making them all CTAS 1. I asked around and not many people had heard about this. I looked through the original CTAS course module and could not find anything on this. I thought we were supposed to CTAS according to presenting condition. Some of these people are out walking around at the scene with no complaints.

    Published On: February 6, 2012