Date Published

December 3, 2012

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: My question is regarding CTAS with symptoms relief administration. It was my understanding that years ago symptom relief pocket books had an adverb that read something to the effect of " If a symptom relief medication is administered then you should return to the ED no less than CTAS 2". It seems to me there are circumstances that would allow symptom relief to be administered and return CTAS 3 or less. (i.e. Nausea due to flu gravol administered, mild to moderate allergic reactions with benadryl administered...) I had a debate with a peer stating it was their belief that any time SR is administered we are still to return code 4 CTAS 2. I was under the impression as thinking medics we could use some discretion, is this the case or should we always return minimum CTAS 2 in that scenario.


 Thanks for the excellent question. Unfortunately CTAS is not as simple as "if the patient receives drug X they are CTAS 2". The CTAS guidelines do not contain any language that pertains directly to the use of pre-hospital symptom relief medications affecting a patient's CTAS score (i.e. Symptom relief is not a first or second order modifier). The soon to be release MOHLTC training package on CTAS will hopefully clarify this and a number of perceptions about CTAS scoring.



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