• In a challenging scenario: You respond to an unplanned home birth on a stormy winter day, with a backup unit facing delays due to adverse weather conditions. Upon arrival, you encounter a situation where a baby requires neonatal resuscitation, while the mother remains in a stable condition. Is it advisable to consider leaving the mother on site and transporting the newborn?

    Published On: March 21, 2024
  • Can you please clarify the CPR ratio for different ages with the new neonatal resuscitation changed from 30 days to 24 hours. At what age are we performing 3:1 CPR, 15:2. and 30:2?

    Published On: September 13, 2023
  • Question: I have read the post Jan. 31 2012 in regards to R/A vs. 02 when resuscitating a neonate. It states that 100% 02 will be used after 90 sec with compressions if HR is below 60. It also states that 100% 02 will be continued until HR is normal. Does this refer to 100 bpm?

    The reason I ask is if I read the flow chart to the letter at 90 sec with a HR below 60, 02 and compressions are begun. If I reassess 30 sec later and the HR has improved above 60 but below 100 (ex. 80 bpm), I continue ventilating, but do I discontinue the 02 and use R/A only? Also compressions are to be discontinued. What is stance on using a pedi-mate on a critical or VSA neonate or child (below 40 lbs)? Is it necessary as it can be cumbersome and time consuming when trying to get off scene quickly?

    Published On: November 22, 2013