Date Published

September 13, 2023

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Can you please clarify the CPR ratio for different ages with the new neonatal resuscitation changed from 30 days to 24 hours. At what age are we performing 3:1 CPR, 15:2. and 30:2?


When utilizing the Neonatal Resuscitation Medical Directive (<24h old) 3:1 CPR should be performed. For pediatric resuscitation (1 day to puberty), 2 rescuer CPR ratio is 15:2 and single rescuer is 30:2. For adult resuscitation (puberty and beyond) the ratio is 30:2.

As outlined in the BLS PCS and ALS PCS, Consider CPR per current Heart and Stroke Canada Foundation of Canada guidelines, which utilizes the AHA Guidelines. The most recent of which were published in 2020 (here).



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