Question: With the introduction of commercial tourniquets and hemostatic dressings for Soft Tissue Injuries/Uncontrolled bleeds in the BLSPCS 3.0, where does the OBHG and MOH stand on wound packing for hemorrhage control? It is generally accepted among TCCC guidelines as a part of basic hemorrhage control, and even taught as a part of First Aid with some organizations. Unfortunately the BLS 3.0 (or 2.xx as well) do not explicitly mention it as an option, as well it is technically prohibited under the Registered Health Professions Act which lists “Putting an instrument, hand or finger, into an artificial opening in the body” as a delegated act. Is this something that we will see added to our scope in the future? Why or why not?
Question: I would like to know the actual medical directive and/or guidelines regarding PCP’s transporting trach patients with no nurse, doctor or RT escort.
Additionally, what the medical directive is if staff is sending the patient to the ER without their vent, therefore, the paramedic is required to bag the patient via BVM for the duration of transport and until there is transfer of care at the ER?
Is this in the BLS scope of practice?Question: I have heard the term “best practice” used quite often in the past little while. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the means of “best practice”, and if the SWORBHP guidelines can be considered “best practice”?
If not, where would one look to ensure they are using the “best practice”? For example, in recent studies, best practice may not be to administer oxygen to each and every patient, however the BLS states that we should administer oxygen to each patient.