• Question: In a patient presenting with respiratory distress, crackles and a relevant cardiac history, I would assume that left ventricular failure/infarct would be a fair working assessment. If 12-lead indicated LV involvement occurring with hypotension that would place the Cardiogenic Shock and CPAP Directives out of parameters.

    Crackles = no bolus, hypotension = no CPAP. Other than vitals/cardiac monitoring, oxygenation/ventilatory support as needed, it seems like a situation such as this one may limit pre-hospital management, as far as a PCP scope goes. Any comments or suggestions?

    Published On: September 29, 2016
  • Question: On page 2-29 it says “A single dose of atropine should be considered for second degree type II or third degree AV blocks with fluid bolus. Does that mean fluid bolus for both or just third degree?

    Published On: January 19, 2012