• Question: I have a question regarding the administration of narcan. Narcan seems to be given more often now that there is no patch point. The wording of the medical directive hasn’t changed though so just to confirm, are we still just to be giving it when we cannot adequately ventilate the patient? Example, if they are GCS of 3 and breathing inadequately but we are getting good compliance on the BVM and the patients vitals are otherwise stable, are we ok to not give it? If we do go ahead and give narcan to a patient who is NOT breathing and they start breathing on their own but are still GCS of 3 are we to stop there since we can now manage their airway or do we continue up to our maximum of 3 doses or until they become GCS of 15?

    Published On: August 11, 2017
  • Question: In regard to the new Acute Pulmonary Edema protocol and the confusion surrounding it. Are we really giving 0.6 to 0.8 mg of Nitroglycerin SL to a patient with no IV and an Hx of use and a SBP of >140 mmHg?

    Published On: February 15, 2012
  • Question: With the assumption that the Cardiac Arrest Medical Directive applies to patients > 30 days, and the Neonate Resuscitate Medical Directive applies to patients < 30 days, can we administer Epi to Anaphylaxis VSA patients under the age of 30 days? (We realize this is a VERY rare what-if).

    Published On: February 15, 2012
  • Question: During my recent last autumn, my instructor mentioned that our base hospital medical protocols might be available as an App for a smart phone. Are there been any updates on that process?

    Published On: February 6, 2012
  • Question: Can we please have our standing order pocket booklets? I know I speak for dozens of medics in this regard. We really need them with so many changes in place.

    Published On: January 31, 2012
  • Question: What was the rational for all the little tweaks to this years symptom relief protocols? For example, removing 100mcg from the Ventolin protocol?

    Published On: January 19, 2012
  • Question: On page 2-29 it says “A single dose of atropine should be considered for second degree type II or third degree AV blocks with fluid bolus. Does that mean fluid bolus for both or just third degree?

    Published On: January 19, 2012
  • Question: Nitro Protocol for CHF the new protocol diagram says… Consider nitroglycerin: ‰¥140 mmHg, IV or Hx 0.6 or 0.8 mg. I have been told the diagram is wrong and I cannot double dose unless I have an IV regardless of history. If this true can you fix the diagram and issue a clear concise overview of this protocol?

    Published On: January 19, 2012