Date Published

April 9, 2013

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: I am a PCP and was wondering what constitutes a IV attempt. Does simply palpating and visually assessing the patient constitute an attempt if I do not find an accessible vein and do not blindly pic attempt insertion?


 Thank you for your question! Attempting an IV in a patient who needs one (ie: hypotensive) is not always an easy task. Thus thoroughly assessing all possible sites is paramount to a successful attempt. Following the assessment of possible sites, your attempt begins once the IV catheter penetrates the skin of the patient. If you're having a difficult time locating a suitable vein, and your patient is in need of fluid/medication, we encourage you to try a 'blind' insertion. Should you need any additional reference material, or further detail on 'blind' insertion, please visit our website and locate the recently recorded Webinar titled: Tips and Tricks for the Not-So-Tricky IV.



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