Date Published

March 1, 2012

Updated For

ALS PCS Version ALS PCS Version 5.2


Question: With respect to the Medical Arrest Protocol, are we still to alternate giving Epi and Amio/Lido on the 2 minute mark since each are to be given Q4 minute? Or can we give them at the same time? What is preferred?


 You are correct that both epi and amiodarone/Lidocaine are indicated every 4min. As such, when indicated, they can be given at the same time during the same cycle if available or, if need be, during alternating cycles. The exact sequence is not essential. We realize that there are logistical issues in drawing up medications in a rapid fashion €“ especially with amiodarone which tends to "foam". Bottom line, if available and indicated, both meds can be given on the same cycle or in an alternating fashion as long as the dosing interval remains as close to the 4min as possible.



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