Has SWORBHP considered push dose epinephrine for ACP’s? This treatment is being used for a variety of indications in many paramedic services throughout the globe and has literature supporting it. I know this was brought up in 2017 and one of the concerns was “anytime drawing up medications, there is a risk for medication error”. There was a code epinephrine shortage in 2019/2020 and ACP’s were reconstituting epinephrine from 1:1,000 to 1:10,000 during active cardiac arrest situations without complications.
Question: In a patient presenting with respiratory distress, crackles and a relevant cardiac history, I would assume that left ventricular failure/infarct would be a fair working assessment. If 12-lead indicated LV involvement occurring with hypotension that would place the Cardiogenic Shock and CPAP Directives out of parameters.
Crackles = no bolus, hypotension = no CPAP. Other than vitals/cardiac monitoring, oxygenation/ventilatory support as needed, it seems like a situation such as this one may limit pre-hospital management, as far as a PCP scope goes. Any comments or suggestions?Question: When treating a patient with suspected cardiac ischemia, should I acquire a 12-Lead ECG before giving nitro or ASA? If the patient is hypotensive, should I bolus at 20 ml/kg, or 10 ml/kg as per the cardiogenic shock directive? And how do I know if the patient has a right ventricular infarct? (Updated)
Question: ROSC Protocol states bolus 10ml/kg if under 12 check at 100ml and over 12 check at 250. Cardiogenic Shock Protocol (includes ROSC) -states bolus 10ml/kg -if 2 to 18 check at 100ml and over 18 check at 250ml. One states the 12 to 18 range at 250ml but the other 2 to 18 at 100ml. Can you clear this up for me please?