In the companion document under the medical cardiac arrest directive it lists reasons for early transport. Under here it lists thrombosis (pulmonary and coronary). So to my understanding, if we have a VSA we believe to be caused by a coronary thrombosis (a STEMI) we are to do 1 analyze? In the past it has been said that we are to treat a suspected MI VSA as a medical cardiac arrest and run the entire protocol on scene. Can you please clarify?
New Protocol First Arrest On Route If my patient becomes VSA on route (first arrest) am I to complete the full 20 minutes of resuscitation roadside and then continue transport? Our previous protocol was to complete the full arrest protocol and continue transport. Should you be a short distance from the hospital would a BH patch be suggested or should we perform the 20 mins of resuscitation regardless of proximity to the hospital? Thank you. minutes? I understand the research is trending towards scene times longer than 10 minutes for pediatrics (in some studies) and that earlier epinephrine administration has been associated with ROSC but this also leaves PCP only rural services in a very difficult grey zone to be addressed. I am by no means advocating for a “scoop and run” mentality (the new wording in the directive rules that out quite nicely) but any further guidance or clarification is greatly appreciated!
You have a patient that is VSA from penetrating trauma. The bls states you transport to trauma hospital if less than 30 min. The als pcs states that if your patient VSA from trauma and a TOR does not apply (pt in PEA) you transport to closet ED. So which one is correct the BLS to trauma hospital or ALSPCS to closest ED.