• This is a very unlikely scenario, but I wondered if Toradol could replace Ibuprophen for the patient experiencing pain. In the unlikely event that a patient is able to take Tylenol and once administered pt refuses Ibuprophen due to nausea (post tylenol administration) could Toradol be used? It would be rare as the contraindications are the same for both nsaids aside from nausea and unable to tolerate oral med administration for Ibuprophen. Could pt preference come into play, a patient in severe pain states “I have had toradol in the past and it works really well for me” assuming all other conditions are met could they receive toradol in addition to tylenol to compliment the nsaid?

    Published On: March 21, 2024
  • If a patient is in pain and states they don’t like taking Advil or can’t take Advil (but no allergy), would it be appropriate to administer Tylenol and Toradol? They are not contraindications of each other.

    Published On: March 21, 2024
  • Why is ibuprofen contraindicated in cases of active bleeding and cva/tbi in the past 24 hours?

    Published On: September 22, 2020