Question: For a patient with fluid building up in the lungs (recently having the same issue and having to have fluid drained via chest tube) due to a complication of CA, what is the best course of action? It wouldn’t seem that a bronchodilator wouldn’t be effective and since the fluid is of non-cardiogenic nature would nitro work?
Question: In the December 11, 2011 powerpoint on Termination of Resuscitation. The slide on page 37 states the Medical TOR applies to all medical VSA that are cardiac in nature and asphyxial in origin including hanging, drowning electrocution. The webinar from our recerts states Arrest thought to be non cardiac in origin, i.e. OD, Trauma, Hanging, Drowning are a contraindication to the TOR. Could you please clarify?
Question: Can you clarify a condition in the contraindications for nitro use protocols? Current contraindications listed under the protocol are self explanatory, where as one to me seems to be very vague. The one Im referring to is the use of a “Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors” within the previous 48 hours. They are many examples of this type of inhibitor (including caffeine) and it might reduce confusion if the specific and relevant ones were listed under the protocol specific to cardiac. For example, a patient who has had a cup of coffee prior to your arrival or 48 hours prior to for that matter has ingested a Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor. Under the current directive and the way it is written, could be argued that this patient is contraindicated to receive Nitro.
Question: When treating a patient with suspected cardiac ischemia, should I acquire a 12-Lead ECG before giving nitro or ASA? If the patient is hypotensive, should I bolus at 20 ml/kg, or 10 ml/kg as per the cardiogenic shock directive? And how do I know if the patient has a right ventricular infarct? (Updated)
Question: ROSC Protocol states bolus 10ml/kg if under 12 check at 100ml and over 12 check at 250. Cardiogenic Shock Protocol (includes ROSC) -states bolus 10ml/kg -if 2 to 18 check at 100ml and over 18 check at 250ml. One states the 12 to 18 range at 250ml but the other 2 to 18 at 100ml. Can you clear this up for me please?
Question: The PCP Medical TOR says that I can “move the patient to the ambulance prior to initiating the TOR if family is not coping well or the arrest occurred in a public place”. What is an example of a public place? and if I move them to the ambulance and then get the TOR, is this now the place of death and I have to wait for the coroner to arrive?
Question: My question is regarding fluid bolus for DKA. Past practice has been to initiate a BHP patch for direction to administer a fluid bolus. The most recent Provincial Protocol states that a patch is only necessary for DKA in patients under 12. Are we still required to patch for a fluid bolus for adults in DKA?